Our community is experiencing an unprecedented event with the Coronavirus pandemic and YES has heeded the advice of The World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and changed our operational system. This is designed to keep participants and staff and their families safe and well.
Young Adult and Youth Case Managers, have volunteered to share staffing responsibilities at the Young Adult building Monday -Thursday 9:00 to 4:30 starting 3/17/2020, until further notice or the situation demands we close. Address: 319 W 1st, Newport, WA.
We are prioritizing young people who are currently couch surfing and/or not living in permanent homes. We are concerned that these kids are the most at risk of losing their housing as families become more financially and emotionally burdened.
We are limiting the number of youth in the building to 6 at any one time. The CDC and WHO recommendation is to limit all group contacts to 10 people. We chose that number of youth served at one time based on the size of the building and the 6 foot guidelines. We will not allow a child or an adult who is ill, to enter the buildings at any time. Thank you for staying home if you don’t feel well.
We are asking youth and young adults who are safely and permanently housed to stay home.
YES Executive Director and Executive Assistant and Youth Programs Specialist will be doing daily business from 316 W 2nd, Newport, for as long as we are able and will be available for appointments, if you just give us a jingle at 509-447-1125. Our hours are also 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Thursday.
We are sadly unable to accept clothing, shoes or bedding until further notice.
We will be accepting non-perishable food and monetary donations and we are so grateful to all of you who have already brought in food. We can accept donations at either location.
We will be delivering food to households on our case list as needed. Those supplies can also include cleaning supplies (if we can find them!), personal hygiene items, etc. If a youth needs additional supports, they will work with their case manager to obtain them.
All of the young people who currently receive food care packages will be able to get them at the Young Adult building or have them delivered if they are out of walking distance.
Thank you so very much for your understanding! We all hope that this is as far as we will need to go in this crisis. We wish you all well and remember you can call us at our office number or our help line at 509-671-7293.
Warmest regards,
Sarah and the team!