Do you know about our food pantries? Or how about the program Washington State has to provide breakfast and lunch to qualifying students? Find out more on our Food Assistance…
Category: Assistance
Food Pantry
This year, we provided physical food pantry cupboards to Newport High School and Alternative School (PORS) and Cusick High and Middle Schools in March. We filled these every week with…
Our First Cooking Class: Spaghetti!
On August 3rd, we kicked off our new cooking classes. We started with spaghetti, because, well, who doesn’t love spaghetti?
Covid 19 Resources for homeless students -School House Connections
As COVID-19 disrupts education, services and life across the country, children and youth experiencing homelessness are exceptionally vulnerable. This page offers resources to help meet their needs as we respond…
Foster Care Alumni Pandemic Relief
Subject: YOUR HELP NEEDED: Last Call for Foster Care Alumni Pandemic Relief!!! Importance: High Hello, all! As you know, Treehouse is partnering with DCYF to provide direct cash assistance to…
For Parents of Teens
We participated in a Suicide Prevention workshop as part of our annual training. We all found this video very helpful and compelling. Please check our resource page for other sources…